Friday, January 18, 2008

Pop On!

I'm not a Fat-Free-Sugar-Free-junkie for more than one reason. First, it's usually more expensive than the real stuff. Second, it's not good for you. Who wants to give their kids something they can't even pronounce, let alone an entire list of non-pronounceable things? If I wouldn't feed it to my toddler, I try not to buy it.

I say try because I have two things I keep for moments of desperation (usually at night) when I feel myself going over the edge of food control: diet soda and Jell-O. I hate that I use these things sometimes, but they sure have saved my butt (literally). I want to stop and I will someday...but probably not today. I don't want that junk clouding my kids' brains when they're trying to learn and grow, and I don't like having special Mommy Food. It's like doing fun things after your kids are in bed -- it's fine when they're younger, but the day they discover you ordering pizza, inviting friends over, and playing games after they're in bed it's all over.

While exploring my new Inspiration blog, I may have stumbled upon a healthy craving fix. It's not calorie-free (although nothing is really without consequences), but it is WAY better than diet soda or Jell-O. It's microwave popcorn!! No, I'm not talking about the stuff that comes chemically processed in a cellophane bag ~ I'm talking whole grain, all-natural, food storage popcorn!

I know there are many healthy ways to pop popcorn. I have a Whirly Pop and my mom had an air popper. But, if you know me, you know that I am an appliance minimalist. If I collected all the gadgets and gizmos As Seen On TV, where would I put the food!

Of course I immediately tried it out worked! Since then I'm popping non-stop ~ really! Someone should probably stop me before my house overflows with popcorn! Can you tell how excited I am? Just look at how many exclamation points I have used in this post. I rarely use them and now they're all over the place!

Now, brace yourself. This is not the most delicious popcorn you have ever tasted (Brady's gooey caramel popcorn is the best, but you'd hate me if I posted that recipe!). BUT, it is healthy (my favorite), fast (the kids' favorite), and cheap (Brady's favorite) -- a real family pleaser!

So, here it is:

Put a few handfuls of popcorn in a brown lunch bag.
Fold it down a few times.
Place in microwave and...POP!

There are a few little things you can do, like season it or whatever. But, I'll let you figure that out as you explore THE BEST SNACK EVER!

Pop on, my friends. Pop on.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How Do I Look?

Alisa reminded me about something I tried to do a while back. Now that we have a faster internet connection, I can finally post my pics. (Sorry the Before Pic is so bad. Genevieve's quick snap of me was my only clear head shot).

So, which should I be -- Cameron, Jessica, Olsen, or Paltrow?

Or, try it for yourself.

I Didn't Deserve It...PERIOD

Note: Contains discussion of feminine issues.

So, this past week did NOT go well. While I exercised, the only calories I counted were guesstimates and not recorded anywhere but my fuzzy head. Sunday's Ward Potluck, Monday's Family Home Evening Treats, and this morning's hangover eating didn't help much, either. Needless to say, my eating has been less than stellar.

To make matters worse, I started my pseudo-period on Sunday. After having a baby it usually takes about a year-and-a-half before I have a period and even then it's irregular and light for a while. Lucky, I know (except when I want to be pregnant). With Kelsey I worried all the time that I was pregnant, with Genevieve I worried less, and with Shelley I've been enjoying it entirely. I've probably had less than 20 cycles since getting married almost 11 years ago. It's a good thing, too, because I make a VERY cranky PMS-er. Still, it sure does make getting pregnant a whole lot easier ;)

While this explains the weekend cravings, it does not excuse them. AND, it lead to Monday Munching Madness and already Totally Terrible Tuesday. I've eaten everything in our house and have tried to lay Shelley down for a nap three times so I can exercise (or so I say), but to no avail.

I want to quit. I want to give in. Actually, it's too late -- I already have.

So, now what?

Well, I need to write down what I eat, at least for a while. I don't know if this will be a lifetime practice, but it is essential for me to reach my goals. I need to detox for the rest of today and tomorrow. Most importantly, I need to relax. If I have one good day of eating, I usually feel better. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this (instead of clicking my heels three times, I'm smacking my lips...where's Glinda when I need her?).

As for my weigh-in, I really didn't deserve the number. I waited until after I exercised because I just couldn't face the scale. After the feeding frenzy of yesterday and today, next week will be harsh without better eating the rest of the week. Anyway, here it is:

Current Weight: 148.0
Current BMI: 23.0

PS Sorry about the delay in posting ~ Brady did our taxes last night. Go Brady!